What does organic farming mean?
The organic farming is a complete production and management system of agricultural products, that protects the environment during all the stages of the ecosystem management, and, at the same time, preserves the health of consumers.
The main feature of the organic farming is the absence of any chemical manure, herbicide, pesticide, hormone and any other equally dangerous chemical substance during all the stages of production.
Furthermore, the organic products don’t contain any preservatives, additives and other chemical substances, in their composition.
Organic farming practices are of such kind that respect the environment, protecting in this way the biodiversity of the ecosystem. By this kind of farming practices, we achieve a balanced system, because, unlike the conventional agriculture, the organic one respects the nature and directly protects the soil, the atmosphere and the water deposits.
With respect for the wisdom of the nature, organic farmers combine tradition with the modern knowledge and they use only natural manures, strengthening the soil’s fertility by interchanging the varieties they cultivate and they allow the natural maturing of the fruits without intensifying the production with artificial methods. For all these reasons, the wine as a product of the organic farming of grapes consists a proposal that respects the consumer, as well as the environment.